Villa Guerci
A gem nestled in the heart of the city: Villa Guerci was the home of one of Alexandria’s most important architect families in the late 19th and early 20th century. The ceremony takes place in the library room, which is perfect for those seeking an intimate atmoshphere, surrounded by their loved ones. The garden, with its elegant geometric flowerbeds, is the perfect setting for photo shoots and for celebrating.
(Civil ceremony)
Address: Via Faà di Bruno, 70 – Alessandria (AL) 15121
(Responsible office: Ufficio Matrimoni e Unioni Civili)
Address: Palazzo Comunale, left side, second floor
Telephone: + 39 0131 515427 – +39 0131 515177
E-mail: matrimoniunioni@comune.alessandria.it
Website: Comune di Alessandria